SmartMe Profile

SmartMe Profile

Is hiring

made smart

Hiring made smart

When it comes to relaying the chronological story of a person’s employment history, CVs can be useful. Yet, because they only provide a static view of each candidate, they often fail at accurately showcasing the diversity of skills a candidate truly possesses.

So, why are so many of us still relying on this two-dimensional view of a candidate? Fortunately, PitchMe has developed a smarter solution: the SmartMe™ profile.

PitchMe’s SmartMe™ profile provides an innovative solution for candidates and employers to overcome the limitations of the traditional CV by providing a holistic view of each candidate.

PitchMe applies sophisticated data science and AI-driven machine learning technology to develop a multi-layered view of a candidate’s skills by combining traditional sources, such as a CV, with a candidate’s digital data — which can include personal or business websites, social profiles, blogs, online games and more.

A candidate’s SmartMe™ profile provides employers and HR professionals with a more comprehensive insight into each candidate, making the hiring process more intelligent and efficient.


How does SmartMe work?

SmartMe™ takes a data-driven approach to candidate profiling by using AI and machine learning to build the most complete, real-time, dynamic profile of each candidate. This helps employers go beyond the CV and see the candidate’s full potential.

It’s easy to get started. A candidate simply creates a unique SmartMe™ profile by uploading their CV and linking any relevant online profiles of their choosing to build their smart profile.

PitchMe is integrated with over 30 sources, including LinkedIn, Facebook, GitHub, and Wordpress. We collect big data in various formats, including texts, images, videos and code elements, and convert them into measured and validated skills using our proprietary methodology. This allows candidates to link the social profiles that build a multi layered view of their professional profile, highlighting both their hard and soft skills.

Through the use of sophisticated AI-driven technology to combine traditional and digital data, a user’s SmartMe™ profile provides a comprehensive overview of the candidate’s full range of skills, talents, and attributes.

This means that each SmartMe™ profile includes not only hard skills but also the soft skills that are crucial to making the right hiring decisions.

Here’s what this means


What are “hard skills”?

These are skills developed through education, training and work experience. They are finite and able to be verified through third-party research.
Each SmartMe™ profile verifies a candidate’s hard skills by applying the principle of data triangulation, using at least three different independent sources to verify each candidate’s skill set.
This means that the hard skills included on each SmartMe™ profile are fully vetted


What are “soft skills”?

These are personal attributes that are gained through one’s emotional intelligence and personal development. Although soft skills cannot be taught in a diploma course, they are as important as hard skills, in that they can be a useful predictor of how a candidate’s temperament is suited to a particular role or company culture.
Many employers rely on psychometric assessments such as MBTI, Big 5, and DISC to gain insight into a candidate’s soft skills. Typically, such assessments are lengthy, costly, and deployed in the final stages of the hiring process.
This means that the hard skills included on each SmartMe™ profile are fully vetted


Ideal work context

In addition to identifying a candidate’s hard skills and soft skills, SmartMe™ also identifies each candidate’s ideal work context.

How are SmartMe profiles used?



In as little as three minutes, each candidate is able to create their SmartMe™ profile simply by uploading a CV and linking any relevant online profiles to build a comprehensive real-time profile that best displays their hard and soft skills.

Once complete, your SmartMe™ profile will be anonymously matched with positions listed by verified employers on PitchMe’s website. You can choose to make your SmartMe™ profile public, or visible only to PitchMe users.

With SmartMe™, your anonymous profile reveals a complete set of your talents and skills, avoiding unconscious bias.

SmartMe™ profiles can also be downloaded or shared externally on your personal website, blog, GitHub, or LinkedIn profile.

Using its technology-driven approach, SmartMe™ also provides each candidate handy tips about how you can uplevel your skills to today’s most in-demand skill sets through additional training courses relevant to each industry.

With SmartMe™, you’re more than just a CV.



Once completed by the candidate, SmartMe™ profiles are matched anonymously with open positions, intelligently placed to meet a specific position’s desired skills, team role, and company culture.

Our sophisticated matching system is based upon a machine learning algorithm that has reviewed more than two million job descriptions — and continues to learn with every new case.

Thanks to its powerful technology, SmartMe™ matches the most suitable candidates for your job.

Did you


Did you know that psychometric tests are typically only conducted around the second or third stages of hiring?

This means that while, on paper, a candidate’s hard skills may appear to be the right fit, the full picture of what the candidate brings to the table, including soft skills, isn’t well represented.

SmartMe™ helps employers save time shortlisting candidates by going beyond simply reading CVs to presenting a full spectrum of skills and knowledge.

By providing a holistic, dynamic view of the candidate, SmartMe™ allows companies to make more intelligent and efficient hiring decisions.

How to read a SmartMe profile

While the technology behind SmartMe™ is highly sophisticated, interpreting each profile is simple and takes just a few straightforward steps:


Anonymous SmartMe™ profiles are made available to employers using PitchMe, each consisting of three parts:

Hard Skills

Soft Skills

Personality profile

Hard skills which are measured and verified using the principles of data triangulation.

Soft skills and personality profile, both of which are measured and rooted in behavioural science so that they provide useful insight into the candidate’s ideal work environment.


Employers using PitchMe view a list of SmartMe™ candidate profiles, which have been intelligently analysed, with skills extracted individually from each profile.


Employers are able to review a ranking of each candidate’s verified and measured skills based on their specific search criteria.


Employers can individually access each candidate’s standalone profile page consisting of the candidate’s professional portfolio, blog, or examples of code.

And that’s it!

And that’s it! All of the fully-vetted information provided at first-stage interviews — plus second or even third-stage psychometric testing — is at your fingertips, allowing you to make a smart, well-informed hiring decision.

SmartMe™ helps foster employers’ need for increased diversity and inclusion in the hiring process by working to ensure equal opportunities for all candidates.

Because SmartMe™ profiles are shared with employers anonymously, this helps eliminate unconscious bias, allowing employers to truly hire candidates who are the right fit, without bias against race, ethnicity, gender, or age.

SmartMe™: AI-driven technology for smarter hiring

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