Success Stories

Propeller Recruitment

Propeller Recruitment

How PitchMe helped Propeller Recruitment place candidates in incredibly niche roles.




total roles filled


reduction in time to hire

Key results

Propeller were empowered to source qualified candidates for hard to fill, niche engineering roles.

With the sourcing taken care of, the Managing Director was enabled to focus more of his attention on candidate engagement.

The Challenge

Propeller was struggling to find candidates with the required skills for its niche airline engineering roles.

Propeller turned to PitchMe's AI-driven Candidate Sourcing tool to broaden its search and find better-qualified candidates without needing to run any searches manually.

Our Solution

PitchMe uses AI-driven automation tools to help recruiters supercharge their sourcing efforts.

It searched over 30 digital sources to find passive and active candidates that matched Propeller's criteria from a talent pool of 900+ million accessed by PitchMe's software.

Our AI Candidate Sourcing tool automatically sourced relevant candidates for Propeller's challenging roles.

The Results

Qualified candidates sourced for niche engineering roles
Candidates put forward for interviews and placements made
Time saved finding candidates for interviews
MD enabled to focus more on candidate engagement

“Very impressive sourcing within very niche roles. In many cases, we've had interviews and candidates placed. Overall, very impressed with the product.”

John Farrelly

Managing Director, Propeller Recruitment

Propeller Recruitment

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