Find more qualified candidates in less time

Automate your candidate sourcing with PitchMe’s AI tools

Source hundreds of quality candidates for hard-to-fill roles

Instantly get a ready-to-call list of candidates in your ATS

Get to the top talent before the competition

Sourcing candidates manually is costing you time


of healthcare recruiters blame candidate sourcing for a lengthy time-to-hire

1 in 2

healthcare recruiters have trouble finding enough candidates


of healthcare time to fill is dedicated to looking for candidates (20 hours on average)

1 in 2

positions in healthcare went unfilled before the pandemic

AI-driven automation tools that get results

PitchMe helps healthcare recruiters quickly find candidates for hard-to-fill roles


average time to fill 105 days

PitchMe finds 220 per role sourced

SEN Teacher

average time to fill 167 days

PitchMe finds 220 per role sourced


average time to fill 136 days

PitchMe finds 320 per role sourced

AI-powered deep search and accurate matching

Unearth more candidates

And reduce your time to hire

Healthcare is experiencing a talent shortage
Everyone is fishing from the same pool
Automate your sourcing and expand the scope of search
Find more qualified candidates in less time

“We save on average 13 hours per week and our recruiters can staff more positions.”

Brian Cunningham

Managing Director, Allen Recruitment

ReviewAllen Recruitment

Who is PitchMe?

We provide AI-driven automation tools to enable recruiters to use data intelligently and accelerate their hiring.

Automation tools

  • Candidate Sourcing

  • Database Enrichment

  • Resume Parsing

Use data intelligently

  • 30+ digital sources

  • 900m+ potential candidates in your talent pool

  • Real-time database updates

Accelerate your hiring

  • ATS-integrated

  • Dramatically cut time spent sourcing and updating

  • Gain more time for more impactful tasks

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